Since we began our very first reading programme in 2006, we have worked in over 400 schools and helped over 23,000 children learn to read.
We’ve witnessed children not only learn to read, but also gain confidence and self esteem, excel in school, and fall in love with reading.
Amanda has made a 360 degree turn around in the fact that she could not read or converse in English. help2read has helped her gain the confidence to pick up any book and read it. She is eager to learn and enjoys every challenge given to her. Thank you!
Vusi lacked fluency and had poor word recognition. After attending help2read he gained confidence and his attitude improved. Thank you help2read!
At the beginning of the year Adelaide was very shy and kept to herself. On the help2read programme she became confident, not struggling with reading as before. She enjoys the sessions and her work in class has improved.
Bulelwa has made so much progress in her literacy that she has gone from a code 3 (not meeting the pass requirements) to code 5 (60%).
Ewan’s reading ability and confidence when reading has improved in leaps and bounds. There is still room for more progress but I am very pleased with his progress this year.
help2read is definitely helping Mpho and it would be beneficial for her to carry on next year. This was also recommended by a learning support advisor from the Western Cape Education Department.
Lungile showed lack of interest and was more focused on intervals. Since then he has become more focused and very keen to read within his group at his level. The individual attention he gets from help2read has definitely made a positive impact on him.
After participating in our literacy programmes:
- 67.5% of learners read at or above grade level
- Learners demonstrate an average increase of 14.4 months in reading age across all grades
- isiXhosa language speakers (32% of learners) show the greatest improvement in reading ability with an increase of 19.2 months in reading age after 7 months of intervention
- Grade 1 and 2 (age 6 & 7) learners show most improvement in pre-literacy skills such as letter name knowledge, phonics and sight word recognition
- Grade 3 and 4 (age 8 & 9) learners show the most significant improvement in reading ability
Unemployment is a major issue in South Africa and so we sought a solution that would not only upskill unemployed, literate adults from township communities, but also encourage adults to pass on their literacy skills to future generations.
Since 2013, we’ve trained over 545 people from township communities to be Literacy Tutors.
Our tutors reached 4686 learners from township communities through the Literacy Tutor programme alone.

Our Support Workers regularly visit schools to ensure the smooth and efficient running of reading sessions.
We keep a comprehensive database of the participating children and volunteers in accordance with POPI.
Teachers, Literacy Tutors and Volunteers complete bi-annual feedback and evaluation forms.
We host feedback meetings with teachers, help2read Literacy Tutors and Volunteers every school term.

Registered SA Non-Profit 063-979 PBO 930027054 UK Charity Reg No. 1109567 Registered Office: Oak Farm Cottage, Mill Street, Gislingham, Suffolk, IP23 8JT