help2read with meaning

Despite the set-backs presented to us this year we have seen tremendous dedication, hard-work and passion from the Literacy Tutors (LTs) on the Literacy Tutor Programme. The LTs have risen to the challenge and were able to adapt as we pivoted our offerings to meet COVID-19 related restrictions.

Third and Fourth Term Review

Despite the set-backs presented to us this year we have seen tremendous dedication, hard-work and passion from the Literacy Tutors (LTs) on the Literacy Tutor Programme. The LTs have risen to the challenge and were able to adapt as we pivoted our offerings to meet COVID-19 related restrictions.

Help2read strategy, mission and vision 2021

The last three years at help2read have been characterised by a roller-coaster of changes and adaptations to an environment which did not allow time for reflection on practice. 

Standing up for literacy

Standing for Literacy means being eager to learn and teach those who are hungry for knowledge to succeed in the future in making the world a better place.

Your Help2read donation is tax-deductible

Did you know that your donation to Help2read is tax-deductible? Help2read is registered and approved as a Public Benefit Organization (PBO) with the South African Revenue Services (SARS), as its activities are in education and development.

Hogan Lovells YES Programme Launch

On Monday 1 April 2019, international Law firm Hogan Lovells launched their Youth Employment Services (YES) Programme. help2read is very proud to announce that we are an implementation partner of this important programme.

FNB Cape Town 12 ONERUN

Earlier this month help2read was chosen as the 4th charity partner for the FNB Cape Town 12 ONERUN, the Cape’s premier 12km road run.  This is a fantastic opportunity for runners to lace up to run for literacy and help give the gift of literacy.

Term 1 Highlights

The 2019 South African Library week was celebrated with the theme Collaborate @ your Library during the week of 18 – 24 March 2019.
This theme connects with the LIASA Presidential Theme: “Libraries: Advancing development through collaboration, partnerships and innovation”.

Up Close with the 2019 LT’s

It is already the end of a very busy first term and we are proud to introduce the 2019 Community Literacy Tutors. After the recruitment and selection process in January, a total of 54 young people (aged 18 -35) have received the help2read Core Training. help2read core training is essential for LTs to not only understand the issues and challenges of literacy but to equip them with critical tools such as child protection, personal effectiveness before delivering one-on-one reading support.

Help2read team’s most loved books list

In the month of love, the help2read team chose to reflect the books that they love and in the words of Maya Angeleou: “Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs is good for him.”