Your Help2read donation is tax-deductible
15 October, 2019
Did you know that your donation to Help2read is tax-deductible? Help2read is registered and approved as a Public Benefit Organization (PBO) with the South African Revenue Services (SARS), as its activities are in education and development.
Donations of cash, books, refreshments, laptops for Literacy Tutors, literacy games, stationery or any other donation that can be used towards building a better society of reading will qualify for tax deduction. We will issue you with a Section 18A certificate, stating your name and details, amount received and date of receipt. The tax deduction against your income is available to all donors, whether you are a salaried employee, a company or close corporation. You only need to be in possession of the Section 18A certificate to qualify for the deduction. The amount you can deduct in a specific year is however limited to a maximum of 10% of your taxable income, after the inclusion of any taxable capital gains. Where donations in a year exceed this limit, it will still be carried over to the next tax year and qualify for deduction then. If you are an individual donating to us, claiming your tax deduction for the Help2read donation is as easy as filling in the ‘Total amount donated during the year and Help2read’s ‘PBO number’ in the applicable field on your ITR12 SARS tax return.
If you are passionate about improving literacy in the community, this is a great opportunity for you to also get something back while helping us. Your donation will help children, from under-resourced communities and also improve the employability of our talented unemployed youth. Donating to Help2read will allow you to give your taxes directly to causes you care about.
To make a tax-deductible donation to help2read, click here.

Registered SA Non-Profit 063-979 PBO 930027054 UK Charity Reg No. 1109567 Registered Office: Oak Farm Cottage, Mill Street, Gislingham, Suffolk, IP23 8JT