Third and Fourth Term Review
15 December, 2020
Despite the set-backs presented to us this year we have seen tremendous dedication, hard-work and passion from the Literacy Tutors (LTs) on the Literacy Tutor Programme. The LTs have risen to the challenge and were able to adapt as we pivoted our offerings to meet COVID-19 related restrictions. This meant fewer opportunities to conduct one-on-one reading support, with the LTs supporting learners rather in small groups; assisting in class; hosting reading and holiday clubs; implementing COVID-19 protocols in schools and distributing resources. Personal and professional training was a focus throughout 2020, with much of our training conducted online. We are extremely proud of how the LTs have done this year and are excited to see where their personal journeys take them.
The LT programme in pictures
I am extremely humbled by the hard-work of the LTs and extremely grateful to them for putting their passion into action.
– Lynn Campbell, Help2read Managing Director

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