Cape Town Ajax inspires young learners
15 October, 2012
Cape Town Ajax has joined help2read to raise awareness of the importance of education, and on 11 October players visited Sobambisana School to meet young learners and share their message. The players were greeted with great excitement as Shooz Mekuto, Ajax Pro, encouraged the children to work hard, complete their schooling and make their dreams come true. The players read with children and signed posters for the crowd.
Through this new partnership, Cape Town Ajax and help2read hope to spread this campaign and reach many more children. Cape Town Ajax has been involved with workshops in this township community for a number of years. Since July 2010 help2read has been supporting volunteers at Sobambisana School who assist learners one-to-one twice a week with reading. Through the commitment of 30 parent and community volunteers, 75 learners at the school have already been reached by the help2read programme.
This week, these kids’ dreams came true when they met their heroes in person!

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