Celebrating Mandela Day at Bergville Primary School
29 July, 2016
Mandela Day at help2read is about doing more of what we do best: spreading our love of reading and strengthening our fight for literacy. That is why today I spent my day at Bergville Primary, one of our newest schools, starting the children and the volunteer reading helpers off on a wonderful adventure that is sure to impact positively on both the adult volunteer reading helper and child for a long time to come.
The fight for literacy is a work in progress and on this Mandela Day our new volunteers have joined the help2read family of volunteers in pledging more than 67 minutes as they will be giving 2 hours of their time a week to helping the children at Bergville primary school improve their reading.
Both the volunteers and the children were very excited to see the books and games and other resources that come standard with the help2read program. As of today these books (and other resources) are for them to go on many reading adventures together, expanding knowledge and improving the skill of reading.
– By Nosipho Ndyalvan, help2read Support Worker

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