Books For Africa donates 22,000 books for help2read learners and Literacy Tutors
19 January, 2018
help2read’s primary school learners and Literacy Tutors in Wemmershoek received an amazing gift today in celebration of the 30th anniversary of Books for Africa: a book of their own to choose and take home!
Books For Africa is an organisation committed to ending the book famine in Africa. The organisation collects, sorts, ships, and distributes relevant and engaging books for children of all ages across Africa. Working in partnership with literacy organisations like help2read, BFA knows that its books reach children in active programmes that maximise their use and benefit. Without books it is impossible to improve literacy levels or achieve the kind of educational outcomes that Africa’s children are capable of.
Visiting Wemmershoek Primary School today, the Books for Africa team arrived to the joyous sound of children singing as they participated in a reading club session hosted by help2read’s Literacy Tutors. The school received 40 boxes filled to the brim of exciting books from leisure reading to phonics exercise books for teachers. Each of the 440 learners at the school was unable to contain their excitement as they were invited to choose their very own book to take home and keep. Asking again and again, “You mean I can keep it and not bring back?”, the learners found it very hard to make a decision of which book to choose out of so many wonderful options.
Assured that the remaining books were to remain in the school’s library and be available in school and at after-school reading clubs, learners finally selected their own book, sitting proudly as new owners of incredible assets! The library at Wemmershoek has also been fully stocked with a comprehensive range of books for all grades. This will significantly support the help2read Literacy Tutors at the school who not only take children for one-on-one dedicated reading help each morning, but who provide after-school and holiday programmes with reading and literacy-related games at the core.
In 2015 the World Bank emphasised the urgent need to get books into the hands of every student in sub-Saharan Africa. This report is part of a growing body of evidence reinforcing the efficiency and efficacy of putting the right books in the hands of African learners. The report states that “No other input is likely to be more cost-effective than making high-quality learning materials available to all students…” Other studies have reached similar conclusions.
“Our mission and that of help2read are so well aligned”, said Patrick Plonski, Executive Director of Books For Africa. “A crucial part of help2read’s activities is making sure that children are able to access the kind of resources and reading materials they need to not only master reading fluently and for meaning, but to love doing it too. Colourful, fun, exciting age- and stage-appropriate books are an essential part of the tools through which these goals are achieved. So we are delighted that on our 30th Anniversary we are here to watch the absolute wonder on the faces of these children as they choose their book, to participate in their reading club and to know we have given a little bit of something that will have a whole lot of impact because the gift of reading lasts forever”.
“The gift of a book of their own may seem small and simple to many”, said help2read’s Literacy Tutor Programme Coordinator, Melody Volmink. “However, if you have benefited from having your own book; from being able to find a quiet corner or into bed to just escape into the story and read, then you will appreciate the power and wonder of the journey into the world of words, imagination and story that a book can give you. That is how you develop a love of reading. That is how you learn to read, with meaning. We are absolutely thrilled to have received this donation, not only here for Wemmershoek, but for all our schools across the country”.
A highlight of the morning was the learners singing Happy Birthday to the founders of both help2read (Alex Moss) and Books For Africa (Tom Warth) whose birthdays fall over the next few days. “It is an honour to have both present for this event”, said principal, Chris Boonzaaier. “Their vision has enabled many children to learn and love to read!”
We second that sentiment and wish them both a Happy Birthday. And to the children of Wemmershoek Primary – and other help2read learners soon to benefit from the same gift of a book – happy reading!

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