DIY Reading Activity: Create Your Own Storybook
28 June, 2018
There’s something magical about creating your own books, which is why it’s one of our all-time favourite activities to do with our help2read learners. What’s more is that it is wonderfully easy to do and inexpensive to create, and the options are absolutely endless!
Let’s get started!
For this activity, you will need a scrap piece of paper (one side must be clean). You can also make a BIG book by folding a large poster in the same way. Ask your local grocery store or retailer for their “old” posters.

Step 1
Fold 3 times- 1 for mommy, 1 for daddy. 1 for the child. Fold the paper into eighths.

Step 2
Refold halfway.

Step 3
Cut on the middle fold. Cut halfway in. Unfold.

Step 4
Fold in half lengthwise. Push the ends toward the middle.

Step 5
Push until the ends meet. Fold the left end towards the right.
Writing your story
Now that you’ve made your book, it’s time to write your very own story!
Here are just a few topic ideas:
- Me & my family
- My pets
- My home
- My friends
- Things I like to do
- My favourite book
- Healthy food
- Wild animals
- My book of textures
- What I like to eat
- Numbers/shapes/colours
- Our Holiday
The possibilities are endless! Encourage your child to create a book that’s age and stage appropriate for them. For example, young learners and early readers may only use pictures to tell their stories, while older learners can use words and make books on more complex topics or storylines.
Remember, focus on what your child likes as they will delight in making a book that interests them.

Meet the author
Renee Lighton is a wife, mom, educational consultant, author, speaker, qualified life coach and Trained Demartini Method Facilitator with a passion for lifelong education! Her qualifications include a BA and Diplomas in Specialised Education; Foundation Phase and Montessori Pre-Primary education.

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