Five ways you can create a culture of reading at home

Here at help2read, we believe a home environment that fosters a love of reading is instrumental in helping children learn to read. In fact, recent research considers a home that encourages reading to be one of the foundational pillars in raising a strong reader. These five key questions will assist you in creating a literacy-rich environment at home.

Five Decoding Strategies for Early Readers

Do your learners struggle to continue reading when they come across a new word? Maybe they decipher the word incorrectly or get so stumped that they give up and stop reading altogether. Early readers are guaranteed to come across words that they aren’t familiar with when reading.

7 Tips To Help A Child Read More Fluently

It’s no secret that we are passionate about helping children as they learn to read. Children face many hurdles that they need to overcome when learning to read, and reading with speed and expression is certainly one of them.

Mandela Day – Reading champions and the #100By100 Challenge

This Mandela Day, we called upon our supporters to champion literacy and make a BIG difference in the lives of children that struggle to read. Marking 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela, this year’s commemoration was one to remember with the launch of the #100by100 Challenge, as well as numerous activities and celebrations with learners at our partner schools.

Holiday Reading Clubs

Holiday Reading Clubs are always a big highlight on the help2read calendar, and it’s not hard to see why! A combination of high-energy games, fun activities and reading adventures creates a brilliant mix that gets children learning and reading during the school holidays.

Three ways to help a child get the most out of reading aloud

There’s a saying that goes, “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents”. Whether a parent, reading helper or teacher, reading aloud with a child is one of the best ways to develop a love of reading in young children.

#100WordsWall: Mandela Day & Overcoming Challenges

Being 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela, this Mandela Day is an exceptionally special one. As part of the celebrations, we invited our Reading Helpers and learners to reflect on their progress and write down words that signify what they’ve learnt during the reading sessions.

Celebrating South Africa’s greatest leaders at the 2018 ICONS Gala Dinner

On 14 June 2018, help2read co-hosted a charity dinner to mark the 100 Anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela. The Icons Dinner recognised his powerful leadership and also celebrated the contribution made by 30 other important South African Icons of the past 100 years to nation-building in the new South Africa.

DIY Reading Activity: Create Your Own Storybook

There’s something magical about creating your own books, which is why it’s one of our all-time favourite activities to do with our help2read learners. What’s more is that it is wonderfully easy to do and inexpensive to create, and the options are absolutely endless!

Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Ajit Gandabhai

I’ve always known that every child is on their own unique journey as they grow and develop. It was only when I became a Volunteer Reading Helper in 2014 that I realised the important role that reading plays along that journey of development.